
Proposed Program for HIAS 2013 - please be aware that minor changes may still occur prior to the commencement of the symposium. All presentations will be in the Manning Clarke Centre. The program has two components: (i) plenary sessions, which will be held in Theatre 3, and (ii) parallel sessions, which will be held in Theatres 4, 5 and 6 (directly opposite Theatre 3), with keynote, invited and contributed talks. A one-page summary program for each parallel session theme is available for download:

8:30 - 9:00Registration - Manning Clarke Centre
9:00 - 10:45HIAS 2013 opening, Session 1 - MCC Theatre 3
9:00 Opening remarks
9:35 W. Kutschera Accelerator Mass Spectrometry - from DNA to astrophysics(PDF 76KB)
10:10 C. Simenel Probing quantum many-body dynamics with heavy-ion collisions(PDF 46KB)
10:45 - 11:15Coffee break
11:15 - 13:00Session 2 - MCC Theatre 3
11:15 F. Käppeler Stellar neutron capture rates - key data for the s-process(PDF 50KB)
11:50 G.C. Ball Gamma-ray spectroscopy at TRIUMF-ISAC: recent highlights and future plans(PDF 79KB)
12:25 L. Corradi Heavy ion transfer reactions: ongoing and future experiments performed with large acceptance magnetic spectrometers(PDF 50KB)
13:00 - 14:00Lunch & Poster session
Poster program and abstracts
14:00 - 14:35Session 3 - MCC Theatre 3
14:00 W. Zhou Using Chinese loess 10Be to reconstruct the precipitation of the last 130 ka(PDF 89KB)
14:35 - 15:35Session 4 -Young Scientists Talks (I) - MCC Theatre 3
14:35 M.W. Reed The onset of triaxiality in neutron-rich rhenium isotopes(PDF 89KB)
14:55 Z. Kohley Prospects for measuring fusion reactions induced with radioactive ion beams at ReA3(PDF 41KB)
15:15 M. Srncik Exploration of natural 236U in groundwater and rock from the Beverly North sandstone-hosted uranium deposits, South Australia(PDF 86KB)
15:35 - 16:00Coffee break
16:00 - 17:20Session 5 - Young Scientists Talks (II) - MCC Theatre 3
16:00 H. Watanabe Recent results of decay spectroscopy at RIBF(PDF 71KB)
16:20 D.H. Luong Understanding the interplay between sub-barrier breakup of 6, 7Li and above-barrier suppression of complete fusion(PDF 91KB)
16:40 J. Feige AMS measurements of cosmogenic and supernova-ejected radionuclides in deep-sea sediment cores(PDF 55KB)
17:00 B.Q. Lee Search for the greater potential of Auger electrons(PDF 59KB)
17:20 - 18:00Walk to Nuclear Physics
18:00 - 21:00Welcome reception & wine tasting

Updated:  22 January 2025/ Responsible Officer:  HIAS Coordinator/ Page Contact:  Physics Webmaster