Focus group programs

Proposed Programs for HIAS 2013 - please be aware that minor changes may still occur prior to the commencement of the symposium
Tues 14:00 - 15:10Nuclear Structure
14:00 S. Frauendorf Wigner energy and restoration of isospin symmetry(PDF 179KB)
14:30 J. Pakarinen Competing structures in 188Pb nucleus(PDF 70KB)
14:50 T.Kibédi Pair spectroscopy of the Hoyle state(PDF 81KB)
Tues 14:00 - 15:30Nuclear Reactions
14:00 L.F. Canto Bare potentials in heavy ion fusion(PDF 36KB)
14:30 D. Montanari Heavy-ion transfer reactions at large internuclear distances using the PRISMA magnetic spectrometer(PDF 59KB)
14:50 C.J. Lin The effect of two-neutron transfer with positive Q-value on sub-barrier fusion (PDF 75KB)
15:10 M.V. Chushnyakova New dissipative non-Markovian model treatment of capture: the need for precise experimental above-barrier cross sections(PDF 44KB)
Tues 14:00 - 15:30AMS, Astrophysics & Accelerator Development/Instrumentation
14:00 A. Wallner AMS and Nuclear (Astro)Physics - 60Fe and the actinides: examples of exciting applications (PDF 63KB)
14:30 S.M. Mullins AMS and other accelerator-based sciences in the golden heart and heady wine-lands of the RSA(PDF 70KB)
14:50 Y.B. Wang Resonant scattering of 22Na+p via a thick-target inverse kinematic method(PDF 96KB)
15:10 T.B.A.

Updated:  4 October 2024/ Responsible Officer:  HIAS Coordinator/ Page Contact:  Physics Webmaster