
The program for the E0 workshop is included in the workshop booklet via the link provided below. The workshop will be held in the Department of Nuclear Physics, Building 57, Garran Road, Australian National University. The full program for HIAS 2015 is also availaible for download below - note that a hardcopy of the symposium program will be provided on registration. Please be aware that minor changes may still occur prior to the commencement of the symposium. All symposium presentations will be in the Hedley Bull building.

8:30 - 9:00Registration - Headley Bull Centre
9:00 - 10:25HIAS 2015 opening, Session 1 - Main Theatre
9:00 Opening remarks: Professor Tim Senden, Director - Research School of Physics and Engineering, Australian National University.
09:15 P.M. Walker High-K isomers: some of the questions(PDF 64KB)
09:45 Y. Sun Mixing effects on K-forbidden transition rates - Interaction with George in 2011-2013 (PDF 129KB)
10:05 E. Ideguchi Onset of high-K isomers and shape evolution in neutron-rich A ≈ 150 nuclei(PDF 92KB)
10:25 - 11:00Morning Tea
11:00 - 12:30Session 2 - Main Theatre
11:00 J.L. Wood Shape co-existence in atomic nuclei: new developments(PDF 62KB)
11:30 R.A. Bark Systematics of β - and γ - bands in the A = 160 region(PDF 25KB)
11:50 D.C. Rafferty Probing cluster structures through sub-barrier transfer reactions(PDF 92KB)
12:10 J. Smallcombe Investigation of the β-vibrational band in 154Sm by electron spectroscopy (PDF 5KB)
12:30 - 14:00Lunch & Poster session
Poster program and abstracts
14:00 - 15:30Session 3 - Main Theatre
14:00 J.M. Allmond Investigating shape evolution and the emergence of collectivity through the synergy of Coulomb excitation and beta decay(PDF 7KB)
14:30 W. Korten Recent developments in shape coexistence studies(PDF 68KB)
14:50 R. Shearman Preliminary results from 238U(n, f) studies using 1.6 MeV neutrons from LICORNE at Orsay(PDF 86KB)
15:10 S.W. Yates Employing fast neutrons to study the structures of stable Xenon nuclei(PDF 89KB)
15:30 - 16:00Afternoon Tea
16:00 - 17:30Session 4 - Main Theatre
16:00 R.V.F. Janssens Shape co-existence in neutron-rich nuclei near 68Ni(PDF 592KB)
16:30 W.B. Walters Tensor interactions in the odd-mass Cu nuclei: structure of 71Cu(PDF 82KB)
16:50 S.N. Liddick Intruder structure in odd-A 69Co(PDF 10KB)
17:10 - 17:30Walk to Nuclear Physics
17:30 - 21:00Wine tasting

Updated:  21 September 2024/ Responsible Officer:  HIAS Coordinator/ Page Contact:  Physics Webmaster