
All posters will be available for viewing Monday 8 April and Tuesday 9 April in the Manning Clarke Centre Foyer.

Poster authors should remain close to their posters during Lunch on these days.

A. Ahmed Time–dependent recoil in vacuum: Improved sensitivity to hyperfine fields and nuclear moments(PDF 77KB)
B. Alshahrani Measurement of the radiative branching ratio for the Hoyle state using cascade gamma decays(PDF 1.4MB)
I. Burducea Status and perspectives at the new tandem accelerators in IFIN-HH(PDF 44KB)
I.P. Carter Development and performance of a position-sensitive proportional avalanche counter tracking system (PDF 53KB)
W. Kretschmer Investigation of the origin of environmental compounds from indoor air samples via accelerator mass spectrometry(PDF 70KB)
N. Lobanov Progress report on the HIAF upgrade at ANU(PDF 39KB)
D. Tsifakis ANU 14UD computer control system upgrade to EPICS(PDF 37KB)
D.C. Weisser Tube Entrance Lens Focus Control.(PDF 39KB)

Updated:  5 October 2024/ Responsible Officer:  HIAS Coordinator/ Page Contact:  Physics Webmaster