HIAS 2013
All posters will be available for viewing Monday 8 April and Tuesday 9 April in the Manning Clarke Centre Foyer.
Poster authors should remain close to their posters during Lunch on these days.
A. Ahmed | Time–dependent recoil in vacuum: Improved sensitivity to hyperfine fields and nuclear moments | (PDF 77KB) |
B. Alshahrani | Measurement of the radiative branching ratio for the Hoyle state using cascade gamma decays | (PDF 1.4MB) |
I. Burducea | Status and perspectives at the new tandem accelerators in IFIN-HH | (PDF 44KB) |
I.P. Carter | Development and performance of a position-sensitive proportional avalanche counter tracking system | (PDF 53KB) |
W. Kretschmer | Investigation of the origin of environmental compounds from indoor air samples via accelerator mass spectrometry | (PDF 70KB) |
N. Lobanov | Progress report on the HIAF upgrade at ANU | (PDF 39KB) |
D. Tsifakis | ANU 14UD computer control system upgrade to EPICS | (PDF 37KB) |
D.C. Weisser | Tube Entrance Lens Focus Control. | (PDF 39KB) |