
Proposed Program for HIAS 2014 - please be aware that minor changes may still occur prior to the commencement of the symposium. Download the Full Program with abstracts (PDF 20.2MB)
8:50 - 10:30Session 5
8:50 Eva Bezak Radiation roulette and cell survival(PDF 11KB)
9:20 Katy Wood Neutron scattering in biology and medicine(PDF 8KB)
9:50 Janaina Avila S-process nucleosynthesis preserved in presolar grains(PDF 20KB)
10:10 Michaela Srncik 236U concentrations and 236U/239Pu atom ratios in a Southern Hemisphere soil far from nuclear test or reactor sites(PDF 9KB)
10:30 - 11:00Coffee break
11:00 - 13:00Session 6
11:00 John Violet The potential of Auger endoradiotherapy(PDF 12KB)
11:30 Silke Merchel Bedtime stories from space: History of meteorites and cosmic radiation told by cosmogenic nuclides(PDF 58KB)
12:00 Jamie Laird Rapid PIXE Imaging for the Geosciences Using the MAIA Detector Array (PDF 8KB)
12:20 Linh Tran Determination of RBE using high spatial resolution SOI Microdosimeter on 12C beam at HIMAC, Japan
High spatial resolution microdosimetry with ΔE-E detector on 12C beam: Monte Carlo simulations and experiment
(PDF 84KB)
(PDF 99KB)
12:40 Sahar Mirzaei Ion beam formation of SiGe nanoparticles in Si3N4(PDF 13KB)
13:00 - 14:00Lunch break/Posters
14:00 - 16:00Session 7
14:00 Patrick Kluth Swift heavy ion tracks in solids: formation and characterization(PDF 57KB)
14:30 Tibor Kibédi The pair conversion decay of the Hoyle state(PDF 35KB)
15:00 David Bolst Deriving RBE in 12C ion therapy by means of microdosimetry and Geant4(PDF 57KB)
15:20 Rajeev Lal Using 239Pu as a tracer for fine sediment sources in the Daly River, Northern Australia (PDF 12KB)
15:40 Olga Martin γ-H2AX as a predictive biomarker of individual radiosensitivity (PDF 16KB)
16:00 - 16:30Coffee break
16:30 - 17:50Session 8
16:30 Andrew Smith Preparation and measurement of ultra-small radiocarbon samples at ANSTO(PDF 12KB)
17:00 Jeffrey McCallum Quantum Device Development Using Ion Beams(PDF 10KB)
17:30 Ruixing Feng Atomic structure and Electrical Property Study on Indium implanted Germanium(PDF 9KB)
17:50 Concluding remarks Anton Wallner, Chair, Conference organising committee

Updated:  3 July 2024/ Responsible Officer:  HIAS Coordinator/ Page Contact:  Physics Webmaster